My Mother is Switching to Solar! – A Message from Joseph Heisler

When it comes to transitioning to solar power, my parents represent most Virginian homeowners. Solar quickly is becoming a familiar energy source!
Virginia Homeowners Solar Installations Transition

I recently visited my 84-year-old mother who lives in Nokesville, Virginia. She has already installed an outdoor motion light with battery backup that recharges with a solar panel. And now I learned on this recent visit that she purchased a Power Cell backup generator with solar. When questioned about her motives, she smiles, shrugs, and says, “It’s for when the power goes out.” It is still a mystery to her which appliances would be available during a power outage – Refrigerator? Outlets? Papa’s electric recliner? Or even for how long. She does know, however, and is quick to divulge, just how much the generator cost AND that it came with a water purifier and some powdered food.  

Although she has no clue what electrical power will actually be available during a crisis, somehow these solar devices have provided a sense of security. I have watched her in the past few months slowly warming up to the idea of solar. My father, too. He was born and raised in Motown, and even his hard-wired brain has gradually accepted the idea of solar. The fact is that my parents represent most homeowners when it comes to using some form of solar power. There is a growing interest and chatter, but still so many unknowns.

Not for much longer, though. Everywhere you look solar energy is being tapped into these days, from landscaping lights to Christmas decorations. Riding down the interstate? Take a closer look at those traffic signs – now powered by solar! Solar is quickly becoming THE “go-to” source of energy everywhere. And as solar grows in familiarity and loses its “new kid on the block” strangeness, more people are asking the important question – how can solar provide for my current electric or emergency back-up needs?  

And you? Check it out. Heck, Mama is doing it.

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Solar Power Virginia Homeowners Transition 1
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